Most of the girls don’t want to hear about gaining muscle.
They think that they will get too muscular and they would look like a man.
Most of the girls out there are still afraid of lifting weights too.
They have this stereotype, that lifting weights will make them bulky and it is for bodybuilders.
I’ve talked about this issue many times.
I honestly hate that most of the girls go to the gym to run on the treadmill, when they could make the most out of their time and the most out of their bodies, if they visit the weight lifting room more often.
Lifting weights, heavy not light, can provide you many benefits:
- building muscle mass and get toned
- helps you getting fit
- maximize the fat loss
- helps you lose weight fast
- burns more calories
- helps you get curved
- gets you hourglass body shape
- makes stronger heart and bones
- healthier happier you
Here’s more about that:
Lift It Girl-8 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid Of Weights >>>
So girls, DO NOT fear lifting weights!
I myself have done this program, and believe me, you can’t get too much of it.
Girls who look like bodybuilders, take many chemicals, and eat over 200 grams of protein a day.
You can’t get bulky even if you tried to!
So, don’t be afraid to try this program.
It will tone you faster and it will give you the fitness body you always wanted.
Your Goal
If your goal is building strong muscles and making curved body, this is the perfect workout program for you!
If you want to get strong and sexy, get ready to lift it!
If you’re a girl that want to tone her muscles, get sexy and change her body, again – this is the right program for you.
With this workout program, you’re gonna get some popped out abs, nice toned arms and shoulders, sexy lean legs and popped up butt.
Your body will start getting that hourglass body shape as soon as you start working out.
So don’t be afraid, if you want to look like one of that girls on the motivational posters, you can do that with this workout program.
You no longer have to dream about someone else’s body!
You can dream about your body, only curvier and sexier.
This is the best extra muscle toning, weight training program for women!
It has changed many lives!
The Best Extra Muscle Weight Training Program For Women
- Day 1: Chests (4 exercises) + Cardio (20-30 min)
- Day 2: Back (4 exercises) + Cardio (20 -30 min)
- Day 3: Shoulders (5 exercises) + Cardio (20 min)
- Day 6: Rest
Important Notes:
Cardio workouts are important!
They go right after the strength training – never before it.
They’ll help you maximize the fat burn and get better results!
Also, you can add ABS workouts in any day by your choice.
Stretch at the end of every single training!
One exercise should contain 3-4 sets with about 10-13 reps.
Start slow, and light in the first month, but as time goes by don’t forget to put on some weights and make it really challenging!
Photo Credit: @fitnika101
And really important fact:
Here’s my Healthy Eating Plan – Meal Planner To Change Your Life >>>
This is the best weight loss diet I’ve ever had – it changed my life, and the life of my friends!
Fit body is made in the kitchen!